Tuesday, December 27, 2011

5 Ways to Increase Metabolism

Before you exercise, you can use the following trick to get rid of visceral fat. Visceral fat is a source of free fatty acids directly into the liver via the portal vein. After the burning of fat deposits that increase your metabolic process even faster. So even that will happen to your weight.

1. Do not diet
Diet was not eating less. But more to eat more solid foods and nutritious. For limiting the intake of food will kill your metabolism. Your body will respond to slower metabolism to hold on to energy storage.

2. Quick bed
A study in Finland saw a pair of identical twins. Where one of them little sleep due to high stress levels. On his body was found an excess of visceral fat.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Tips. Saving Fruits to Keep Fresh

If you not the type of person who could go shopping every day, you need to ensure that the fruits that have been purchased or keep fresh survive in the long run. How do I? Follow the tips below:

a. Most of the fresh fruit exists at a temperature sensitive so it must be stored in the refrigerator. If your refrigerator is full, make sure you keep it in place with the coldest temperatures in your home.

b. Apples, pears, strawberries, plums, and peaches should be placed in perforated plastic bags before being put into the refrigerator so it stays fresh fruit because of the IR in the bag.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Healthy Tips and Accurate choose fruit and vegetables

Are you a fan of fruit? Surely we should consume fruits so that our bodies stay healthy and fresh right. Talking about health, the fruit is very good for the health of our bodies. Although essentially the fruit is good for health, but did you know that the fruit also contains many chemicals such as pesticides?

Yes, that is free from pests, fruit farmers use pesticides and other chemicals in order to stay nice and fresh fruit. The information that I know he said that most of the fruit is the apple chemical substances. Then the second is the type of vegetables, namely celery, then the third is a strawberry. Fourth is a peach, keep vegetables spinach, then the fruit nectarines, grapes pepper, potatoes, blueberries, lettuce and kale. If you frequently consume one of these lists, so be careful when selecting it. Find a more organic and wash fruit or vegetables thoroughly once a yes.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

10 Tips for Creating Healthy Eating for Children

The role of mother to instill healthy eating habits in children at an early age is important. Here are 10 tips to establish healthy eating patterns in children:
  1. The role of mother to determine "What's going to be eaten" the child is very important. Increase knowledge about the nutritional needs of infants, food, creative menu order and create a pleasant atmosphere at mealtimes.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Healthy Diet - Develop

Healthy diet - develop healthy eating habits and not confusing really is not as stringent that many people imagine. The first principle of healthy diet is to eat a variety of foods. This is important because different foods provide different nutritional contributions.

The second principle of a healthy diet are: fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts, foods high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat, and free of cholesterol, should be most of the calories you consume . The rest must come from low-fat dairy products, meat and poultry, and fish.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Menu Foods Healthy Every Day

The following basic guidelines are what you need to know to build a healthy diet every day.

1. Eat plenty of foods high in fiber are fruits, vegetables, beans, and wheat. It is a carbohydrate "good", nutritious, filling, and relatively low in calories. They should provide 20 to 30 grams of dietary fiber you need each day, which slows the absorption of carbohydrates, so there is less effect on insulin and blood sugar, as well as providing other health benefits. These foods also provide important vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

6 Tips make healthier eating in office

Limited lunch hour often makes us rush to make decisions lunch. That's what causes us to decide any lunch menu regardless of the food we eat. Ranging from hygiene factors to the intake of nutrients that are essential for the body.

Here are some steps to make healthier eating in the office:

1. If your workplace there is no refrigerator or microwave, it does not mean you can not bring a lunch from home. By using a bag lunch special that comes with heat retaining materials, meals and snacks that you stay fresh and warm until lunch time arrived. Especially now a lot of lunch box is cute and unique shape that still make you look trendy.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tips Cures Stomachache Easy

Stomachache may occur at any time not to mention, if you have to do a lot of activity. If you are stuck in this condition, no need to panic looking for a cure. There is a natural and easy to handle.

1. Chew gum
Chew gum
Tips Cures Stomachache Easy : people chew gum

According to the research team from St Hospital. Thomas, Britain, chewing gum after meals to prevent stomach ulcers. Including, doubling the flow of saliva into the esophagus, where neutralize stomach acid that rises from your stomach.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tips Quick Stomach Exercise

A common misconception is that to get beautiful stomach muscles should be doing thousands of crunches and exercise as often as possible. Beautiful and toned stomach is fat-free stomach. You can not get a toned stomach if you do not lose belly fat first. Eliminate your fat first, and even beautiful belly you'll get.

So how do you decrease your body fat? In addition to exercise, you also have to change your diet to be healthier. You can eat healthy foods can burn fat faster. Eat foods that contain lots of protein, vitamin C, fiber, calcium and so on, to avoid new fat deposits on your body.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Healthy Foods that Can Make Body Fat

In addition to fatten the body that may have you do, it turns out there is another way to fatten the body only with food. Don't make no mistake, not just junk food that can show body. Healthy foods can also know. Want to know what can help you gain weight?

Here are 10 healthy foods that can help you to fatten the body healthy. Surely that's on a diet, consider these foods below because if you took it, then your diet will be in vain. So watch it? :)
  • Sushi
Carefully make sushi enthusiast. Vegetables and seaweeds are listed as a low-calorie foods, but a mixture of cream cheese or mayonnaise, seafood make a sushi roll had levels of about 500-600 calories. Ketchup that we often eat with sushi can make the weight increases, because the sodium content makes you want to continue to drink and eat.

4 Tips to Lose Weight With Healthy Diet

People obese or overweight has become a common sight at this time. We also often see advertisements about products and services to lose weight, be it in the streets, magazines or television. How do I choose the best formula and useful for us? If you want to lose weight with healthy, you have to do a healthy diet, not just controlling your appetite, or even forget to eat.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Diet for Heart Healthy

Dishes are flavorful savory flavors coupled with many teasing tempting the appetite, unfortunately most of the types of foods are actually not good for our health. The content of fats and oils contained in these foods in excess is not good for health especially for our heart.

Dishes that contain coconut milk and foods high in calories, combined with sweet cakes are inviting tastes can not be denied to taste. But if they are not good at counting calories that enter the body, not just weight, our health also needs to be seen especially heart health.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stress: What & How?

In general, the term stress is used to describe the various sensations and responses experienced by our bodies. This type of stress there are several kinds, namely:
  1. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - a form of stress is common in patients who previously experienced extraordinary events such as war, natural disasters, rape, traffic accidents, or other horrible events. According to the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States, for most people, PTSD usually occurs three months after the incident and can strike anyone, including children.
  2. Acute stress - stress that the most common form of this appears due to the pressure / demands in the past or the pressure / demands to be faced in the future.
  3. Episodic acute stress - a form of acute stress (acute stress) is accompanied by excessive anxiety in all circumstances.
  4. Chronic Stress - if not addressed, this one form of stress can be fatal to the sufferer. They will be accustomed and resigned to accept the pressures that stress triggers physical and mental condition will be drained. Chronic stress (chronic stress) can lead to suicide, stroke and heart attack.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Foods for Healthy Heart

Maintaining heart health should start early. Do not wait until heart problems, your new guard. A troubled heart can have a negative impact on other organs and even cause death.

Nothing is more important than maintaining your heart health. Exercise regularly, not smoking, and controlling stress are some of the things recommended by health experts, of course at once by taking a variety of essential nutrients for a healthy heart.

1. Oatmeal
Start your day with a bowl of oats are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium. Foods rich in fiber has been proven in various studies, it can lower LDL cholesterol and maintain alias arterial channels remain clean. Oats is a grain of pure, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber that effectively lower cholesterol. A diet rich in oats can reduce the risk of heart disease. Research has shown that oats lower cholesterol, keep it at normal levels and help prevent certain types of certain cancers. Oats are also a source of protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, thiamin, folacin and vitamin E than other types of food grain.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Five Best Foods Man

Men and women need different nutrition. The following are the best foods for men as reported by the Reader's Digest:

1. ketchup
Men who eat lots of tomatoes, tomato sauce, or pizza with tomato, have been protecting themselves from prostate cancer. The research team from Harvard states that men who ate tomato sauce 2 to 4 times per week had a risk of prostate cancer 35% lower. Surprisingly, tomato juice does not have the same khaziat. This is because the absorption of anti-cancer substances in tomatoes more leverage if cooked with oil. So here your doctor will tell you to eat lots of pizza!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

5 Food Reinforcement Muscle

There is a very close relationship between the powerful muscles with physical health, according to Robert Wolf, health experts from the University of Arkansas. Opinion was reinforced by the fact that our muscles are working hard to help us move, digest food and nutrients throughout the body pumping. In addition it also supplies the muscle amino acid to keep the heart brain, skin and organs of our body else remains strong. To maintain strong muscles and healthy proper diet is necessary. Here is a list of five foods that can strengthen your muscles:

Especially the types of fish rich in omega-3 like salmon, tuna and sardines. Because these fish contain all the amino acids the body needs to produce muscle and provide materials to create or improve other body tissues. Highly recommended to consume at least 2-3 servings of fish rich in omega-3 every week.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mind Body Health is Important

Mind body health for the author was one extremely important thing for us. We know that health is very expensive for everyone. So, today we must think in our mind that health is very important and should be in the front row to be preserved and protected. Because health care is expensive then, mind body health is one of the major factors for maintaining good health. Both the health mind and body health.

Mind Body Health