Monday, December 20, 2010

Five fruits, many benefits

Indonesia is endowed by the fertile soil and warm climate. That is why various kinds of fruits and vegetables are now easily found everywhere. Among these fruits, strawberries, avocados, kiwi, watermelon, and plums have many benefits that have not been widely known.

Strawberries have more vitamin content than citrus fruit. In addition, red fruit is also known to have a very good amount of fiber. If blood sugar levels soaring, you simply consume a bowl of strawberries for to normally back. Other benefits include: cleaning the harmful toxins contained in the blood, removing plaque and strengthening gums.

Avocado provides a lot of antioxidants that work to fight cancer. It is true that this round drupe contains a lot of fat, but fat in avocados is a type of fat is good for health. Since ancient times, avocados are also used to help overcome sexual problems and facilitate digestion.

This fluffy fruit very important role in preventing heart attacks, because he has a substance that can reduce blood clotting. Hence, for those of you who regularly took aspirin daily to reduce blood clotting, can also be replaced with two or three kiwi fruit per day. Even the kiwi is much better than aspirin because it is natural and has no side effects. Kiwi is also rich in fiber that can protect you from heart disease, diabetes, and colon cancer. Finally, the kiwi was also effective for treating respiratory problems and coughing.

In one there is the content of watermelon fruit potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C. And in just two bowls of watermelon is available 18 milligrams of lycopene, the cancer-fighting antioxidants. The amount is far more than is contained in one medium-sized tomatoes. Rather than stored in the refrigerator, you better keep still watermelon at room temperature. Why? Because if you cool it down, then the amount of antioxidants (lycopene and beta-carotene) will be reduced.

Although it is still foreign to most people of Indonesia, but the fruit of this one started many found in supermarkets across the country. Plum has a variety of colors and is a natural source for vitamin C, A, B2, beta-carotene and potassium. Plum good consumed by those who want to diet, because it has a high fiber. Reduce the symptoms of fever, flu, asthma, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and cancer are the benefits of the fruit is often used as a sweetmeat. Not only that, prunes also help absorb the iron in the body and is useful as a natural laxative.

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